Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Can stress cause plantar warts?

In today society, most of us work in a stressful environment. Most people feel stress in their daily life and stress had caused many health problem in today modern age. But can stress cause plantar warts? since a lot of health related problem nowadays can be caused by stress, some peoples are wondering if stress could be the cause of plantar warts.

The answer to that question is NO. plantar wart is not caused by stress, it is cause by some sort of virus called Human papilloma virus (HPV). This virus believed to get into human body thru small crack on our foot especially when we walk bare footed on places where the virus is known to prosper such as public shower floor. Click to read more about “How do you get plantar warts

This virus normally killed by our antibody but it sometime survive and cause plantar wart to appear. This is more likely to happen especially when our antibody are weak. The virus that cause plantar wart also known to survive in shoes which used by people with plantar wart.

Stress however, are not actually able to cause plantar wart. The virus can still cause plantar wart if it manage to infect you whether you're in stressful situation or not.

Stress didn't cause plantar warts. However, both plantar warts and stress is not a good thing. Both of them can affect our daily performance and make our life a little more uncomfortable. So, don’t hesitate to seek for treatment if you happen to be facing any of those issue.

Further reading :
Can plantar warts spread through bed sheets?
How long do plantar warts usually last?
Home remedies for plantar warts

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Compound W starting to gel up in the bottle, should you buy a new one?

So let say you been using Compound W on your plantar wart and beginning to get some result. After weeks of using it, the upper layer of the wart has fall off and you think you only need to give it a few more treatment before the wart is gone for good. However, you realize the Compound W is starting to gel up.

Now you probably wondering, what happen? it is still good to use it on the wart?, or is it better to get yourself another bottle of Compound W?

What actually happen is the Compound W is gelling because it's exposed to the air. This maybe due to the bottle isn't closed properly after use, allowing the air to get in. Compound W is some form of acid so when it started gelling, that mean it no longer as powerful as it was before.

Because the Compound W is losing it power, it is better to purchase a new bottle to make sure you can treat the wart properly. Don't forget to close the bottle tightly this time to prevent air from getting in so the Compound W will not gelling up.

Using over the counter products such as Compound W is one of the best way to get rid of plantar warts. Many people had successfully remove the wart by using this method. However, the bottle need to be closed tightly to prevent Compound W from gelling up so you can use it on your plantar wart more effectively.

Further reading :
Will Compound W cause any problems to my healthy skin?
Will Compound W Wart Remover work on Plantar warts?
Is it OK to use Compound W wart remover to remove skin tags?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Is it OK to use Compound W wart remover to remove skin tags?

Sometime people use many kind of unrelated product to treat their wart. For example, the duct tape and nail polish is definitely not produced to treat plantar wart but yet peoples are still using it to treat wart and some of them even manage to get the wart removed.

But what about using products, that mean to treat plantar wart for other type of skin disorder? Such as using the Compound W to remove skin tags. Will it be fine for you to do this?. Some people who use Compound W on skin tags might actually doing it unintentionally.

For example, they might think the skin tags is some sort of wart, and only know that the thing on their skin is actually not a wart at all only after they had applied Compound W on it. This kind of situation might make you wonder if it will be OK to use Compound W on skin tags.

Although Compound W is not actually created to treat skin tags, pretty lot of people are using it to treat this skin disorder. However, If not done properly, doing this might damage your healthy skin which is why you'll need to carefully apply the products.

Because it is possible to accidentally destroy the healthy part of your skin. It is pretty important for you to do it carefully if you ever think about using Compound W on your skin tags. However, it is still better to use a product or method that specially created to treat skin tags since Compound W is actually designed for wart treatment.

Further reading : 
Will Compound W Wart Remover work on Plantar warts?
Will Compound W cause any problems to my healthy skin?
Can nail polish get rid of plantar warts?

Saturday, August 11, 2012

How can I relieve pain from a plantar wart when I am playing soccer?

If you're reading this, you probably know that plantar warts are able to reduces your performance especially if you're involve in sports. Some people especially runner and soccer player has found it kind of hard to achieves their full potential because of the pain cause by the plantar wart.

However, it is very fortunate that there is something that we can do to reduces the pain during sports. Remember that most of the pain come from the pressure the wart absorb every time your foot touch the ground during running.

To lessen the pain cause by plantar wart, you will have to put some sort of cushioning to the wart so every time your foot touch the ground the wart will take less impact. Dr. Scholl's plantar wart remover can do this shamelessly and in the same time it help to remove the wart from your foot.

How it work

Dr. Scholl's Clear Away Plantar Wart Remover use salicylic acid to destroyed the wart tissue. In the mean time, the cushioning pad feature is able to reduces the pain that cause by plantar wart. Even better, by using it you'll be covering the wart which help to prevent the virus from spreading.

Not be able to achieves full potential during soccer because of plantar wart could be very frustrating. You can over come this problem by applying some sort of cushioning pad over the wart. Dr. Scholl's Plantar  Wart remover could come in handy when it come to this because not only it have the cushioning pad feature, but it also help you to get rid of the wart.

Further reading :
How long do plantar warts usually last?
Will Compound W Wart Remover work on Plantar warts?
Should you limit your child activity because of plantar wart?

Monday, August 6, 2012

How to get rid of Plantar Wart Viruses in the shower?

One of your family member have plantar wart and not really sure what it is. So he just doing his daily routine using the shower as usually while picking the wart of during his shower. Then your other family member start using the shower and now it seem like the wart has spread to the other member of your family.

If this kind of scenario sound familiar to you, you probably looking for way to disinfect your shower room to make sure the virus can't infect any other people in your family. Luckily, there is something you can do to reduce the virus in your shower.

People said that you can bleech the shower floor to get rid of the virus. Then you can use some cleaning and disinfecting products such as Lysol to make the shower even safer. To reduce the possibility of reinfection, the family member with plantar wart can cover the wart by putting some sort of duct tape or pad over it. You can also put  Dr. Scholl's Plantar  Wart remover over the wart which can help to cover the wart while treating it.

Knowing the shower is infected with some viruses that can cause plantar wart is kind of scary. But you can easily try to disinfect the shower by using bleech and cleaning product such as Lysol. Other than covering the wart, the member of the family who have plantar wart can get rid of the wart using many over the counter remedies that available in the market today. You can also take them to the doctor for more professional treatment and advice.

Further reading :
Is it OK to go to the spa if you have plantar warts?
Can plantar warts spread through bed sheets?
How long do plantar warts usually last?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Using a callus scraper on plantar wart

Using callus scraper on plantar wart is pretty common among some of the plantar wart sufferer, even when it already mentioned not to be use on plantar wart. This behavior however, is understandable. Plantar wart not only cause pain but can also cause discomfort. You're using the scraper to scrape some of the infected skin off because it make you feel better.

However, if you're asking the same question as the title of this article, you probably curious about what will happen after you use the scraper. It already mentioned not to use the callus scraper on plantar wart, so you might think that if you're using it on plantar wart anyway, it might cause some sort of side effect, right?

Using the scrapper might help you feel a little better, but it actually lead to some bad consequent. Remember that plantar wart in contagious. By scrapping some of the infected skin you're helping it to spread. Some people even said that the virus can live on the scrapper. So it is better if you disinfect the scrapper if you're planning to use it again some other time.

Other than that, using callus scraper on plantar wart also believe to cause the wart to bleed, which is not a good thing at all. The best thing to do is to cover the wart so you or someone else will not accidentally touch the wart. Covering the wart can help you to prevent the wart from spreading.

Scraping the infected skin off using callus scraper might make you feel a little better but it is still a bad idea to do that. It can help the wart to spread and even cause the wart to bleed. A better approach to make yourself feel a lot better is to get the wart removed. There is a few over the counter product such as Compound W or Dr. Scholl's Plantar Wart Remover that you can try to get rid of the wart.

Further reading :
Will Compound W Wart Remover work on Plantar warts?
Will Compound W cause any problems to my healthy skin?
Should you limit your child activity because of plantar wart?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

What Salicylic acid do to plantar wart

If you have plantar wart and need to get rid of it, you might already read a few info about some of the wart remover that available in the market today. Salicylic acid is the most common over the counter wart remover that you can buy.

So, you know that this wart remover is going to remove the wart but you probably wonder what does this Salicylic acid do to plantar wart to remove it from your foot? And most importantly how long does it take to remove the wart completely?

The Salicylic acid work by dissolving the overgrown skin (the wart) on your foot. The acid however, didn't kill the virus that cause the wart to appear at the first place. So just like most plantar wart removal method, there is some possibility for the wart to reappear after you get it removed using Salicylic acid.

Despite being very helpful in getting rid of the wart, wart remover will not be able to remove plantar wart instantly. It is known to take weeks or even months for wart remover to remove the wart completely. (If you apply the wart remover daily)

Nevertheless, a lot of people manage to successfully get rid of plantar wart using wart remover. There is other treatment such as freezing and surgery that can get the wart removed quickly but these treatment is more for the kind of wart that didn't show any positive result after being treated with over the counter wart remover such as Salicylic acid.

Further reading :
Will Compound W Wart Remover work on Plantar warts?
Will Compound W cause any problems to my healthy skin?
Aren't plantar warts suppose to hurt?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Does it hurt to get plantar warts frozen off?

Plantar wart is always annoying and embarrassing. It's also interfere with you daily activities as you might feel a little uncomfortable when you're walking or running. That's why getting it removed as soon as possible is always preferable by those who have it.

One of the most common way to removed the wart is by getting it frozen off. As usual, when we talk about treatment, the first question that going to pop up in your mind is “will it hurt?”. You're not alone, it is understandable to feel concern about the pain when it come to meet a doctor and get the wart frozen off.

So, will it hurt?
Removing the wart by frozen it off is not that painful. It is however going to feel extremely cold – I mean really extremely cold. For some people it make them feel a little pain during the process but that is only for a few second which shouldn’t be a problem for anyone to handle. Other than that you might feel a little pain for a few days after the wart removed but as been said before, the pain is not unbearable.

The doctor usually clip the wart off your foot after frozen it. The whole process is not too painful and some people who get their plantar wart remove using this method describe the feeling as uncomfortable instead of painful.

The doctor know what they're doing. Most of the time they'll recommend the best suitable treatment for you depending on your condition and the seriousness of the wart you have. You might going to feel a little pain if you remove the wart by frozen it off but as many people said the pain is bearable and only last for a while.

Further reading :
Does it hurt to remove plantar wart through surgery?
Will Compound W Wart Remover work on Plantar warts?
Can nail polish get rid of plantar warts?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Should you limit your child activity because of plantar wart?

Plantar wart is cause by Human papillomavirus (HPV) which is known to thrive in wet and warm environment. If your children love to get involve in sports or martial art activities, they're exposed to the virus. Some kids do get infected and their parent started to get a little worried about letting their child doing these sports and martial art activities since plantar wart is kind of contagious and they don't want their kids to spread the virus.

If you child have plantar wart, you might want to know whether you should limit your child activities because of it to prevent your child from spreading the wart.

It is understandable that you're worried about other people get infected. But that doesn't necessarily mean that you should limit your child activities. Instead of preventing your children from doing healthy and beneficial things that they love to do, you can take some measure to avoid spreading the virus.

Preventive measure

There is a few things that your children can do to avoid spreading the virus. Wearing sock during their activities is one of them. Remember that people usually get infected by having direct contact with the wart, wearing sock can avoid direct contact which reduce the chances of the wart to spread. Wearing flip flop will definitely help too.

However, do keep in mind that using public/other people swimming pool/shower can make other peoples exposed to the virus. To prevent your child from spreading the wart, it is better to avoid swimming in public pool or using someone else shower room.

Plantar wart is contagious but that didn't mean you really have to limit your children activities all together to prevent your children from spreading it. However, there is several things that you child wont be able to do in order to avoid exposing the wart to other people. But your children shouldn't suffer from plantar wart for too long, bring them to the doctor to get the wart removed.

Further reading :
How long do plantar warts usually last?
How do you get plantar warts?
Will Compound W cause any problems to my healthy skin?

Monday, July 2, 2012

Aren't plantar warts suppose to hurt?

You have something on your foot that look like plantar wart but it didn't hurt even when you poke it real hard. Because you didn't feel any pain, you start to wonder if that thing on your foot is actually plantar wart.

So this make you wonder, aren't plantar wart suppose to hurt? And how can we recognize if it is plantar wart?

In many cases, plantar wart did hurt and can cause pain to people who suffer from it. The pain usually felt when you stand, walk or run. But there is also peoples who claim that they had plantar wart a couple of time but non of them seem to cause any pain. This show us that plantar wart usually hurt but not always necessarily.

Then how do you suppose to know if that thing on your foot is plantar wart?

One of the most easiest thing you can do is by seeing how it look like. Plantar wart is not that hard to recognize. You can tell if that thing on your foot is plantar wart by looking at it, plantar wart usually look kind of warty and usually have a black dot.

Plantar wart usually cause pain but not all the time. Some people with plantar wart claim their wart isn't causing any pain but most people said that it's hurt and can interrupt their daily routine. However, you can still look at it to tell whether what you have on your foot is plantar wart or something else.

Further reading :
Will plantar warts go away on their own Do you need some sort of treatment?
How long do plantar warts usually last?
Home remedies for plantar warts

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Will Compound W cause any problems to my healthy skin?

Sometime, removing plantar wart from your foot could be challenging. Today medical knowledge make it possible for us to go to the pharmacy and buy our self an over the counter product to treat the wart. However, some people do have a little bit of trouble when it come to applying the wart remover.

For example, in order to remove the wart using Compound W, we need to apply the product over the wart. But sometime applying the Compound W is not as easy as it look. Since it is some form of liquid and kind of sticky, it is very easy for us to accidentally applying it at the healthy skin around the wart. So you might wonder what will happen if this liquid touch the healthy skin.

It effect on healthy skin

Accidentally applying Compound W on the healthy skin is not a good thing. Since the liquid is created to destroy the wart, it can cause problem if applied on the healthy skin. Compound W is said to cause irritation and redness if it is applied to the healthy area of your skin (which is obviously not a good thing).

Something that can help you applying the liquid over the wart

If you're worried about accidentally putting Compound W over the healthy part of your skin, try using cotton swab to help you to apply the liquid. Applying Compound W using cotton swab might help you to get the liquid over the wart more accurately.

Compound W can cause redness and irritation if it's accidentally applied on the healthy part of your skin. Luckily, A cotton swab can be use to help you to put the liquid over the wart. Nevertheless, a lot of people claim that Compound W had help them get rid of the plantar wart successfully.

Further reading :
Will Compound W Wart Remover work on Plantar warts?
How long it going to take to get rid of a plantar wart using Compound W gel?
Can nail polish get rid of plantar warts?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How long it going to take to get rid of a plantar wart using Compound W gel?

Plantar wart will take a very long time before it finally disappear by itself. That's why most people are looking for a product to remove the wart faster so they can continue their daily routine without any interference from the wart. Due to this, before purchasing any over the counter wart remover, one of the most asked question is how long will it take for that particular product to get the wart removed.

Any wart removal products, even the most expensive one, is going to take some times before it can get the wart removed. Compound W gel is said to take up to 2 weeks before you can finally see the result. 2 weeks might seem like a long time but without treatment, plantar wart can survive on your foot a lot longer than that.

Getting it removed faster

The only way to get the wart out of your foot fast is by surgery. However, even after the surgery successfully get rid of the warts, you're still going to need time for you to recover from the plantar wart removal surgery.

Not matter what methods you choose, removing plantar wart is going to take time. Peoples said over the counter product such as Compound W is going to take up to 2 weeks before the wart is eliminated. As for the surgical method, it can get rid of the wart quickly but you still have to wait for some period of time before you're fully recover from the surgery.

However, the best thing to do is to refer to your doctor since s/he can analyze the wart (to see how bad it is) and give you the most suitable treatment depending on the condition and seriousness of the wart.

Further reading :
Plantar wart surgery recovery
Plantar wart surgery procedure (Videos)
Will Compound W Wart Remover work on Plantar warts?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Will Compound W Wart Remover work on Plantar warts?

When we talk about cure for plantar wart, we can't help but to talk about over the counter products. Despite all the home removal methods, over the counter products seem like a more proper way of dealing with plantar wart because the products manufactured by big companies and research is usually done before they actually produce the products in a large scales.

One of the most popular over the counter wart remover is Compound W Wart Remover. Because of it name, some people are wondering whether Compound W Wart Remover will work on plantar wart. It name make some people think that this product only work on common wart.

Actually, Compound W can work for plantar wart. It's believed that any wart remover product is able to remove plantar wart on your foot. However, for the best result it is way better to get some advice from dermatologist or physician.

If your plantar wart is bad enough, the dermatologist might be able to recommend you something even better to help you remove the wart. One of the common technique to remove an extreme plantar wart is by using liquid nitrogen which said able to kill the wart from the root.

You can use Compound W to treat plantar wart on your foot. Although plantar wart is a little different compared to common wart, most of the wart remover products such as Compound W is said to be able to work on plantar wart too. In fact, many people are actually already using it to treat plantar wart on their foot with success. However, since not every products can work for everyone, it is best to refer to your dermatologist to get the best suitable treatment for you.

Further reading :
Can nail polish get rid of plantar warts?
Plantar wart treatment
Will plantar warts go away on their own Do you need some sort of treatment?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Why do plantar warts return in the same spot?

You manage to get the plantar wart removed but for some reasons, it came back, on the very same spot. Since you manage to remove the wart before, you are so confident that this time it is not going to be a problem for you to get the wart removed again. And you're correct, you manage to remove the wart for the second time.

Then, it started to get annoying. The plantar wart, that you manage to get rid of twice before, is back. And what make it worse, it came back on the very same spot as before. So what is happening? Why the wart keep coming back in the same spot even after you've successfully get it removed before?

To understand this, let take a look at the cause of plantar wart.

Plantar wart is cause by Human papillomavirus (HPV). Just like any other viruses, HPV is contagious.

Even after you successfully remove the warts, some of the HPV that cause the wart at the first place might had survive. The HPV that manage to survive has a potential to cause the wart to return. Since virus cannot be detected with our naked eyes, it is hard to tell whether there is still some HPV left after the wart is remove.

So what should I do? Did I need to remove the wart again and again and again?

Not necessarily, remember that wart usually form when our antibodies are week, keeping your antibodies strong could help to prevent plantar wart from occurring. So, one of the things that you can do is to build a strong antibodies to fight the virus.

It is very frustrating when plantar wart keep return. Some people go to the doctor to get the wart removed yet it still coming back. The wart might return due to some of the HPV that might have been left. Building a strong antibodies might help to solve this problem.

Further reading :
How do you get plantar warts
Are plantar warts contagious?
How long do plantar warts usually last?

Friday, May 25, 2012

Plantar wart duct tape treatment, do you keep the tape on while & after showering?

Plantar wart duct tape treatment might be one of the most popular home remedies for plantar warts. While there are a lot of tips and how-to articles about the duct tape treatment available all around the net, there are still questions that raise by people who want to give this method a try.

One of the questions that arise is about what to do with the tape when you're going into shower. Since the duct tape are more likely to loose it grip when exposed to water, people are wondering whether they should keep the tape while and after showering.

The answer is yes, in order to minimize the amount of oxygen the wart can get, it is best to keep the tape on while and after you shower. It is a known issue that the tape will loose it grip (or even fall off) when exposed to water during shower, but don't worry about it. If the tape is loosing it grip, simply replace it with a new one.

The duct tape treatment work by blocking as much oxygen and nutrient as possible. Keep the tape on as long as you can to kill the warts. If possible, only remove the tape when you need to replace it with a new one.

Home remedies is a good option to remove plantar warts. It's cheap, easy and what most importantly, less painful. Remember that you'll need to cover the warts with the tape for a long time before you remove it. But in cases it's impossible to keep the tape on, just remove it and replace the tape again.

Further reading :
Plantar wart duct tape treatment
Can I use a dollar store duct tape to treat my plantar wart?
Can nail polish get rid of plantar warts?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Does it hurt to remove plantar wart through surgery?

We must admit, despite all the success stories, sometime for some reasons home treatment just fail to get the wart on your feet removed. And sometime, the plantar wart had spread and grow so large that over the counter medicine and home removal methods aren't enough to make it go away.

This is the time when you need to consider setting up appointment with your doctor. However, it is understandable that having a plantar wart removed through surgery is a big decision. It involve some huge amount of cash too.

The most popular reasons people want to avoid removing plantar wart through surgery is because of the pain. If you been browsing the web for info about plantar wart, you will see a lot of people claim that surgery removal method is pretty painful.

The wart removing surgery procedure is not that painful but a lot of peoples said that the most painful moment during the entire procedure is the time when the doctor injecting local anesthetic to your foot. The pain said to last for a while but then you will not feel any kind of pain until the effect start to fade away several hour after the surgery end.

Despite the side effects and pains. There is time where surgery is your best option. This is absolutely true especially for people who had tried all the home removal method but don't get their desire result. You might get nervous about the surgery, but who wouldn't? Trust you doctor and ask him for advice on how you to minimize the pain cause by the surgery.

Further reading :
Plantar wart surgery recovery
Plantar wart removal surgery
Plantar wart removal surgery procedure (videos)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Can I use a dollar store duct tape to treat my plantar wart?

One of the reasons why people prefer to treat plantar wart at home is because of the low-cost and easy to do procedure. One of the most talked home treatment for plantar warts is the duct tape method. In this method, duct tape is use as a primary tool to kill the wart.

However, most of the info about plantar wart duct tape treatment that you found on the internet did not mention the kind of duct tape you need to use. So some people are wondering if they can use the 1 dollar duct tape that they see at a Dollar store to treat the wart.

One of the reasons people are willing to try the duct tape treatment is because it only required small amount of money. Ofcouse we are more likely to buy a dollar duct tape instead of the more expensive one. Because of the price tag differences, many are doubting quality of the cheap duct tape and whether this cheap duct tape could be use to remove plantar wart.

The idea of removing plantar wart with duct tape is to cover the wart and decrease the amount of oxygen and nutrition the wart can get. By doing this you're killing the wart slowly. The price of the duct tape isn't really matter as long as the duct tape is able to stick to your skin to get the wart covered.

So, if you plan to remove the wart with duct tape, just go ahead and give it a try. The price of the duct tape is not an important factor. As long as the duct tape are able to stick to your skin and cover the wart, it is good to go.

Further reading :
Duct tape treatment for plantar warts, does it work?
Plantar wart duct tape treatment
Can nail polish get rid of plantar warts

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Are you considered HPV positive when you have plantar warts?

Plantar warts is caused by Human papilloma virus (HPV). This very same virus is also known to cause genital warts (which is some sort of STD) and even cancer. Because of this, some people who suffer from plantar warts are worried about their health status. Some peoples even think that they're considered HPV positive and at risk of infecting other people around them.

First thing first, you need to stop worrying so much about it, here's why.

HPV is the virus that cause plantar warts, that's true. But there are over 100+ type of HPV. The type of HPV that cause plantar warts aren't the same type of HPV that cause genital warts or cancer. Warts on your foot are cause by HPV type 1, 2, 4 and 63.

Genital warts on the other hand, is commonly cause by HPV type 6 and 11. While cancer is cause by HPV type 16 and 18. To make it more simple and easier to understand, see below.

  • HPV type 1, 2, 4 and 63 – can cause plantar warts
  • HPV type 6 and 11 – can cause genital warts
  • HPV type 16 and 18 – can cause cancer

HPV type 1, 2, 4 and 63 (the type that cause plantar warts) are more likely to infect the skin around your feet because this type of HPV love the condition of human feet more than other area of our body. However, since this virus is contagious, it is better for you to take some action to prevent the warts from spreading.

Plantar warts can be spread through direct contact between the warts and your skin. The HPV that cause plantar warts is also known to thrive in moist and warm environment. So, some of the things that you can do to reduce the chances of spreading it include:

  • Covering the warts with bandage or duct tape.
  • Clean the shower floor after you use it
  • Avoid walking around barefooted.

Nevertheless, if you have plantar warts it is ways better to get it removed. There is a few tips on how to get rid of plantar warts available. Check em out at our home remedies section and give them a try. Some people had use those methods to remove plantar warts successfully. Or, you can meet your doctor to get the warts removed.

Further reading :
Are plantar warts and genital warts the same?
How to get rid of plantar warts
Plantar wart treatment

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Can nail polish get rid of plantar warts?

Nail polish can be use to get rid of plantar warts
There is a lot of methods that you can use to treat plantar warts. Plantar warts nail polish treatment is one of them. But since nail polish is not created as some sort of medicine for plantar warts, many people are questioning the effectiveness of this method.

In theory, nail polish can be use to remove plantar warts. It is not because the nail polish that you use had some sort of virus killer organism or something, it is because the nail polish can block the warts from oxygen supply which will eventually cause the virus to die.

This kind of treatment work the same ways as duct tape treatment work. By covering the warts with some nail polish, you're killing the virus that cause plantar warts by blocking it oxygen source. Just don’t forget to warp the effected area with bandage after you had covered the warts with some nail polish.

Despite the fact that there are no guarantee this treatment will work, there are actually some people who successfully remove the warts with some aid from nail polish. If you've some nail polish already available at home, there is no reasons for not giving this method a try.

However, just like some other home remedies for plantar warts, nail polish treatment also require a few weeks before you can finally see some result. There is no guarantee this method will work, but since there are peoples who successfully remove the warts using this method, then it might worth a try.


Further reading :
Home remedies for plantar warts
How to get rid of plantar warts
Plantar wart duct tape treatment

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Plantar warts can cause problems when running

Having painful plantar wart on your foot is a very difficult experience. Plantar wart not only cause discomfort but can sometime become painful. Since plantar wart appear at the bottom of your feet, it can actually cause some problems if you're a runner.

As a runner, plantar wart can cause major problem when running. Plantar wart not only slow you down during a race but trying to adjust your foot during running because of the pain can cause injury. This can affect you performance as a runner which is obviously not a good thing.

Since plantar wart is contagious, it is best to get the wart removed as soon as possible to prevent it to spread to the other area of your foot and cause you a lot more pain or discomfort during a race. You can try some home remedies for plantar wart such as the duct tape treatment.

Duct tape will stop the wart from getting nutrition and oxygen. This will eventually kill the wart. Beside that, duct tape can damper the wart and reduce the pain and impact on your foot every time you walk or run.

Plantar warts can cause problem when running. It is best to get it removed. There are several methods that you can try in order to get it removed. There are also some over the counter medicine for plantar wart that you can buy. However, it is still a good idea to refer to you doctor for some advice about the most suitable treatment for you.

Further reading :
How long do plantar warts usually last?
Duct tape treatment for plantar warts, does it work?
How to get rid of plantar warts

Should I be frightened if someone in my house have plantar warts?

You might already know that plantar warts is infectious. Some people are freaking out when someone in their house have plantar wart. They're worried about been infected and start to avoid the floor like there's spikes all over it especially when that particular person who had the wart just walk over that floor.

To be honest, these peoples are overreacting. Yes, plantar wart are contagious but most of the time the virus that cause plantar wart is killed by our antibodies before it even start to form the wart. So, instead of avoiding the floor, all you really need to do as a preventive action is to keep the antibodies strong while avoiding any sort of direct contact with the wart.

Beside that, the person who had plantar wart can also help to prevent it from spreading by covering the wart with some duct tape or bandage. Even with some sort of treatment, it's still going to take some times before the wart finally disappear. So, before you manage to remove it, taking some preventive measure is not a bad idea at all.

Keeping your antibodies strong can help to prevent the infection. The virus that cause plantar warts usually succeed only when our antibodies are weak or when we have a direct contact with the wart. We don't have to be frightened when someone in our home have plantar wart.

Further reading :
How do you get plantar warts
Home remedies for plantar warts
How long do plantar warts usually last?

Can plantar warts spread through bed sheets?

Plantar wart can limit your movement and make your daily activities a little more difficult. Especially if you're trying to prevent it from spreading. As you might already know, plantar wart is contagious. It can be spread by touching the wart directly.

Contact between the effected area and your bed is inevitable during sleep. A lot plantar wart sufferer are worried about spreading the wart to the other area of their body through their bed sheets. Some people who manage to remove the wart are worried about been infected again.

Since plantar wart are cause by virus that are known to be contagious, there are possibility for the wart to spread through bed sheets. It is advised for any body who manage to remove the wart to wash all the stuff that had make direct contact with the wart such as the bed sheets, shoes and sock to prevent yourself from getting re-infected. Wash those items with some hot water and dry them in the sun.

For those who still have plantar wart, you can try to wrap the effected area using bandage or even cover the wart with duct tape to prevent direct contact with your items. Make sure you clean and dry the effected area first since the virus that cause plantar wart are known to thrive in moist environment.

However, there is no need to be panic and freak out about this. The virus that cause plantar wart are usually killed by your antibodies before it start to form the wart. The virus infect human when our antibodies are weak. As long as you take some preventive actions and keep your antibodies strong, there should be nothing to worry about.

Further reading :
Is it OK to go to the spa if you have plantar warts
Are plantar warts contagious?
Plantar wart treatment

Monday, May 7, 2012

Are plantar wart and genital wart the same?

As a plantar wart sufferer, fear of spreading the wart to the other part of your body is inevitable. This fear is understandable since plantar wart are very well-known to be contagious and do have a possibility to spread. It become even more frightening when you're thinking about getting it spread to your “private” area.

But the question is, are plantar wart and genital wart the same?

Technically, the answer should be no. But to answer the question properly, lets take a lot at the virus that cause plantar wart and genital wart. Plantar wart and genital wart are both caused by some sort of virus that come from (Human Papilloma Virus) HPV family. However, the HPV that cause plantar wart and the HPV that cause genital wart are two different type of HPV. 

The HPV virus that can cause plantar wart is HPV types 1, 2, 4, or 63, while genital wart are cause by HPV 6 and 11. As you can see now, both plantar wart and genital wart are cause by viruses from the HPV family but the type of HPV are different.

Both type of wart are contagious but it is said that the type of HPV that cause plantar wart prefer the condition on your feet more than the other area of your body. So it pretty much mean the type of HPV that cause plantar wart are more likely to spread around your foot instead of other area.

To prevent the possibility of spreading plantar wart to the other area of your foot, some plantar wart removal methods can be done. There a few home remedies for plantar wart that you could try including plantar wart duct tape or banana peel treatment which is pretty easy and cheap. Beside that, you can also refer to your doctor for some advice and treatment.

Further reading :

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Is it OK to go to the spa if you have plantar warts?

You have plantar wart on your feet, you had tried all the home treatment yet you still didn't get the result you always wanted. Then one fine day you are thinking about treating yourself to a spa. The question appear in your head, is it OK for me to go to the spa with plantar wart on my feet?

Plantar wart is contagious, which mean you not only at risk of spreading it to the other area of your foot, but you can also infect other peoples. This is why it is best for you to avoid going to the spa before you manage to get the wart removed.

If you still go to the spa, there are some possibility you might infect other people especially the massage therapist. Beside that, you might not be able to experience the best massage your can possibly get since the massage therapist will have to avoid the affected area on your foot. If we're going to the spa we will want to get the best possible experience, which is difficult to achieve when there is some sort of wart on our foot.

The important thing to do is to take some effort to get the wart removed. If home remedies and over the counter medicine for plantar wart are not able to get the wart removed, maybe it is time for you to meet your doctor and get some professional help and advice. Doctor not always recommending surgery, in some cases a doctor will suggest some other type of plantar wart treatment such as freezing.

Further reading :
Are plantar warts contagious?
How do you get plantar warts
Plantar wart removal surgery

Can plantar warts spread to your face?

So you have plantar wart and as any other plantar wart sufferer, it is extremely difficult for you to prevent yourself from accidently touching the wart. Then you've been thinking, if I accidently touch the wart directly before touching other part of my body, will the wart spread all over my body especially my face? Then you started to freak out...

Actually, there are possibility. By touching the wart you are at risk of spreading the virus to the other area of your body. Fortunately, it is said that the possibility are very rare and it is also said that the viruses that cause the wart only attack certain part of your body. For example, the virus that cause plantar wart prefer the skin condition on your feet while the virus that cause genital wart prefer to invade that part of your body instead of other area.

Despite the fact that the possibility is very rare, taking preventive action can help you to calm your mind knowing that you had done something to reduce the chances of spreading the wart to the other part of your body. To prevent wart from spreading one of the most basic thing to do is to avoid touching the wart directly. You can do this by simply covering the wart either with duct tape or bandage.

There is a possiblity for the wart to spread to the other part of your body, but the possiblity is so rare there is no reason to be panic about it. However, only the wart on your foot are called plantar wart. If you have wart on your hand, it usually refered as common wart.

Further reading :

Duct tape treatment for plantar warts, does it work?

Plantar wart duct tape treatment are one of the most popular home remedies for plantar warts. This method is simple, cheap and even said to be painless. This is why a lot of peoples are doubting it effectiveness. Before we answer that question, let talk about how the duct tape treatment work.

Plantar wart is caused by HPV virus (Human papillomavirus) which is known to thrive in moist and warm environment. By placing a piece of duct tape over the wart, you're blocking the wart from moist environment which eventually cause the wart to die.

In theory, this kind of treatment could work. However, just like any other plantar wart removal methods, plantar wart duct tape treatment had a different effect on each individual. Some people said this treatment work for them while some other said it is better to go and get a professional help from a doctor.

So, it is safe to say that this kind of treatment are not going to work for everyone. But the good news is there are a lot of other home remedies for plantar warts that can help you getting rid of plantar warts if you didn't feel like making an appointment with your doctor.

Since this method is kind of cheap and easy, there is nothing wrong about giving it a try first. If it doesn't work, there are a lot more home removal methods that you can try, plantar wart duct tape treatment is only one of them. The only thing that matter is you're making some effort to remove the wart.

Further reading :
Plantar wart duct tape treatment
Home remedies for plantar warts
Plantar wart treatment

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How long do plantar warts usually last?

So you have plantar wart on your foot and it appearance cause you some difficulty to walk or stand. Not being able to stand the pain and discomfort, you are wondering how long it going to take before the wart go away. The good news is, plantar wart will go away eventually. But the bad news is it going to take a long time before it finally disappear.

Plantar wart will take months and ever years before it go away. Some even said that it can take up to 3 years for the wart to disappear. Plantar wart is a stubbon virus, and countagious too. While waiting for it to go away, you're at risk of having the wart spreaded to the other part of your foot. Beside that, you might also infecting other people around you.

That's why plantar wart sufferer are advised to seek for treatment. There are a lot of plantar wart removal methods available on the net. One of the most popular one is plantar wart duct tape treatment. In case all these methods fail to remove the wart, you can always make an appoiment with your doctor to remove the wart through surgery.

Plantar wart will go away by itself, but it can take up to 3 years for it to disappear which is a pretty long time. Most plantar wart sufferer are worried about infecting other people and they're not feeling comfortable having the wart on their foot. It is recommended to have the wart removed to put an end to all that irritating feeling.

Further reading :
How do you get plantar warts
Plantar wart treatment
Plantar wart removal surgery

Will plantar warts go away on it own or do you need some sort of treatment to get it removed?

If you had been searching for information regarding plantar wart, you probably heard about plantar wart going away on it own. However, instead of ignoring the wart and waiting for it to go away by itself, a lot of people are still looking for some sort of treatment to remove the wart. So, is it true that plantar wart will go away without any need for treatment? Why are people still looking for ways to remove plantar wart if it will just go away by itself?

Plantar wart are said to go away on it own after some period of time. If you read other blogs or websites regarding health and disease, you will find that most of them do mention that plantar wart can go away without any sort of treatment. However, plantar wart sufferer are still advised to remove the wart, here's a few reasons why:

Despite being able to go away on it own, it will take a lot of time for plantar wart to go away without any kind of treatment. It can take months or even years for the wart to go away. There are a lot of home remedies for plantar warts that can you can try, why wait if you can remove the wart earlier. Beside, your feet will look way better when the wart is removed.

Another reason for getting rid of plantar warts is to avoid infection. Plantar wart are cause by HPV virus which is contagious, just like any other viruses. If the wart are not removed, it can spread to the other sections of your feet. Even worst, plantar wart can also spread to other peoples.

Discomfort and pain are also the reason to seek for treatment, due to the location of the wart (which in at the bottom of your feet) plantar wart can cause pain and discomfort especially when you stand or walk. This can limit you movement and disturb your daily routine if not treated.

Plantar wart are said to go away by itself, but that doesn't mean treatment is not required. Removing the wart can prevent it from spreading and stop the pain and discomfort. There are a lot of tutorial on how to get rid of plantar warts available on the internet. But it always best for you to refer to your doctor if you're not sure which treatment is suitable for you.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Choosing the best treatment for plantar warts

When it come to choose the best treatment for plantar warts, there are several factors that you will need to consider in order to get the best plantar warts treatment for you. Different removal methods some time bring different result for each individual.

Some aspects for you to consider:

  1. Have you try any home remedies for plantar warts before?
    This is the first factor you need to consider. Most of the home removal methods for plantar warts are cheap and can be done with the tools and ingredients that already available in your home. If you never try any of the home remedies before, it is best for you to give it a try first to see if any of them work for you.

  2. Do you have diabetes
    If you have diabetes, than a visit to your doctor is require to determine the best treatment for you. Most of the time, home treatment for plantar warts are said to be unsuitable for people with diabetes. However, don't be afraid to try any home removal methods recommended by your doctor.

  3. Budget
    Plantar wart removal surgery are said to be a little bit expensive. For people with a low budget, there are a few home removal methods that you can try. However, if budget is not a problem for you, there are several type of surgery available.

Before you consider making an appointment with your doctor, it best for you to try some of the home treatment first to see if any of the at home plantar warts removal methods will work for you. Many plantar warts sufferer had find home treatment to be pretty effective in their case.

Plantar wart surgery recovery

Plantar wart are known to be annoying and some time even painful. Despite all the home removal methods you see on the internet, there are some cases where the sufferer will have to remove the warts through surgical methods.

It had been said that except from the part where the doctor inject your feet with local anesthetic, plantar warts surgery are pretty painless. However, after the surgery you will have to deal with recovery time before you can finally do you daily activity without any limitation.

After the surgery, you will not feel any pain for several hour. But caution is still advised to reduce the pain that you might feel a few hours after the surgery. Your doctor might ask you to take a rest for a few day to make sure your foot can heal properly.

During the recovery period, it is best to change the bandage frequently to make sure your feet are always clean to avoid any other infection. Infection can cause complications which will increase the time needed for you to recover.

Many plantar warts sufferer are able to recover in a few days while the affected area itself will take weeks before it will completely heal. Most of the time, you will need to make a few visit to your doctor after the surgery. Your doctor will make sure that you are healing properly. Beside that, you doctor will make sure the warts have low chances of coming back.

Most of the plantar warts sufferer are complaining about pain during the recovery time. Usually the pain are coming from the surgery site itself or at the location where your doctor had injected you with local anesthetic. To deal with this, you might want to ask your doctor whether s/he will give you any pain killer after the surgery to reduce the pain. You can also ask your doctor whether it is safe for you to take over-the-counter medicine to reduce the pain.

Beside that, some patients also find the scar that they get after the surgery to be painful. You will have to ask your doctor about things you can do to reduce the scar and what could you do to stop the pain.

Basically, you'll have to put less pressure on your foot and make sure the surgery site are always in clean condition. Most of the time, patients will be fully recover in a few weeks but there are also some cases where the patient take longer to recover from the surgery.

Further reading :
Plantar wart removal surgery
Plantar wart removal surgery procedure
Choosing the best treatment for plantar warts

Plantar wart removal surgery procedure

If you plan to have the warts remove by surgery, these videos might give a little bit of ideas how the surgery are going to be done. All the videos below had been collected from YouTube. Be aware that some people might find it scary or disgusting to watch these videos, but the videos shown below are really going to help you to understand more about plantar wart removal surgery.

In this video, Dr Mark T Senft demonstrates how the surgery is done. Uploaded by gr8feet

In this other video, a patient manage to get permission from his doctor to record the procedure while the surgery is done. By Dave the couch guy

In this last video, Dave the couch guy tell us about his experiences dealing with plantar warts.

Basically, the videos shown above might give you some ideas about the procedure for Plantar wart removal surgery. However, most plantar warts sufferer prefer to give home removal methods a try before considering having a surgery to remove the warts.

Further reading :
Plantar wart surgery recovery
Plantar wart removal surgery
Choosing the best treatment for plantar warts

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Plantar wart removal surgery

There are several home removal methods that you can use to remove plantar warts. However, in some cases, a visit to you doctor is require for further examination. Despite being expensive and painful, there are several situation where you will need to have plantar wart removal surgery.

People always consider meeting a doctor as the last option. Before considering this last option, you'll need to know if the situation is bad enough that surgery will be the only way you'll be able to remove the warts.

Some of the scenario that might require you to meet your doctor include :

  • The warts keep spreading even after you've taken preventive and removing measure.
  • The plantar warts are so painful that you can hardly walk or stand.
  • You're a not sure whether it is actually a plantar wart or something else. Older peoples should consult with their doctor to check for any indicant of skin cancer
  • If you have diabetes, you'll have to meet your doctor for more options to remove the warts since most home remedies are not suitable for people with diabetes.

When we talk about Plantar wart removal surgery, there are several type of surgery that can be done to remove the warts from your foot.

  • Curettage – curettage is the most common plantar wart removal surgery. This type of surgery are performed by cutting and picking off the warts using a tiny spoon-shaped tool and a small knife.
  • Electrosurgery – this type of surgery involve using electric current to burn the warts
  • Laser Surgery – just like Electrosurgery, laser surgery also involve warts burning process. Only this time, laser are used to get the job done.

As mentioned above, Plantar wart removal surgery are always considered as the last option, and there is a reason for this. There are some cases where the patient are having painful post-surgery experience. Beside that, some patient take too long to recover from the surgery. However, the surgery procedure it self are known to be painless except at the beginning where the doctor injected you with some local anesthetic.

Plantar wart treatment

Plantar wart are said to be able to
cure by itself but it is better to seek
for treatment to prevent yourself
from infecting others.
Having warts in any part of your body never look good. Having Plantar warts is even worse. Beside the non-attractive look, plantar warts can limit your daily movement. Plantar warts grow at the bottom of your feet and can sometime cause discomfort and even pain every time you stand or walk.

Because of this, it is best to seek for some plantar wart treatment that you can apply. When we talk about treatment, there are a few choices available. You can remove the wart by using the home removal methods, over the counter products or clinical surgery.

Usually, most people are more likely to try the home removal method or over the counter products first, before they decide whether or not they need to make an appointment with a doctor. Most of the time, Plantar wart removal surgery are considered the last option to take if any other methods fail to remove the warts.

As for the home removal methods, there are several methods that you could try such as the plantar warts duct tape treatment, banana peel treatment, garlic treatment and plantar wart treatment by using Apple cider vinegar. These home removal methods are said to be cheaper and less painful compared to surgery. However, these methods require times and consistency in order to make it work.

If home removal methods fail to deliver a good result, there are several products that you can purchase to help remove the warts from your foot. Some of the most popular one including Dr. Scholl's Plantar Wart Removal System and Wartner Cryogenic Plantar Wart Removal System.

And finally, if everything else fail, you will need to make an appointment with your doctor to had the warts analyze and removed by surgery.

Plantar warts can ruing your day and make your routine activity harder. Luckily, there are a lot of Plantar wart treatment available for you to choose. Remember that not every removal methods can work perfectly for everyone. What important is to search for the right treatment that work for you.

Further reading :
Home remedies for plantar warts
How to get rid of plantar warts
Plantar wart removal surgery

Home remedies for plantar warts

Having plantar warts on your feet can be a really irritating experience. Beside being surrounded by discomfort feeling, you might also worried about infecting anyone else in your house. Removing plantar warts trough surgery can be painful while the surgery itself doesn't guarantee that the warts wont come back. Lucky for us, there are home remedies for plantar warts. These methods are known to be able to remove the warts and can be done by yourself using the ingredients available at home.

The best thing about home remedies is they're a lot cheaper and more importantly not painful. Here are some methods that you can use to remove plantar warts:

  • Apple cider vinegar
    One of the methods used to remove plantar warts is by using Apple cider vinegar. This method work by putting some apple cider vinegar on a piece of cotton and then put it on the affected area. Finish by duct taping the cotton to make sure it stay in place. Do this every night before going to bed.
  • Banana Peel
    This method is kind of similar with the method mentioned above just this time we're going to use banana peel as the main ingredient. It is done by putting the inner side of fresh banana peel on the warts before duct taping it to make sure the banana peel will stay in place. It is best to apply this method during the time where you're not required to wear shoes.
    Example:before bed time
  • Duct tape
    Another way to remove plantar warts is by using the duct tape it self. The idea is to separate the virus from it preferable environments using the duct tape. To do this, The affected area must be cleaned and dried first. After that, put the duct tape on the warts. Replace the duct tape every time it started to loose it grip.
  • Garlic
    Beside all the methods above, you can also use garlic to remove plantar warts from your feet. To do this simply crush the garlic and apply it to the affected area. Cover the garlic with bandage to make sure it will stay in place. Do this every night before bed time.

Before you try any of the methods mentioned above, it is important to remember that some method might work well with certain people but not with some other. The best thing to do is to try some of the methods above for yourself and find out which one of them work for you.

Further reading : 
Plantar wart duct tape treatment
How to get rid of plantar warts
Plantar wart treatment

Are plantar warts contagious?

Plantar warts is contagious
You make a living as massage therapists and it is your everyday job to massage your client feet, until one day you find out that one of your client have plantar warts which freak you out thinking that the warts will spread all over your hand. Or maybe one of your own family member have it and you're worried about the warts spreading if you accidentally touching it.

So you probably asking yourself, are plantar warts contagious?

Actually, the answer is yes, plantar warts is contagious. But wait, there is no need for you to be panic! Plantar warts is cause by HPV virus which is contagious, just like any other viruses. It can be spread from one individual to another or from a moisturize environments to a person.

However, it is believed that the virus which cause plantar warts are not highly contagious. This virus have a different impact on different person. Most of the time, the virus are killed by human antibodies before the warts begin to form.

Usually, a person who had some cuts on their feet or someone with a very weak immune system are more likely to have plantar warts. This is why plantar warts are more common among children though it can also occur among adults.

Despite the fact that the virus are not highly contagious, there is no reasons for us to not taking any preventive action. Some of the action that we can take to prevent plantar warts including avoid walking in public places with your barefoot and always keep your feet in clean and dry condition.

Further reading :
How do you get plantar warts
How to get rid of plantar warts
Plantar wart duct tape treatment

Monday, April 23, 2012

How do you get plantar warts

Having plantar warts on your feet can be a very irritating experience. Knowing what cause the warts to appear at the first place can help you to take preventive measures and be more caution. That why it is best for you to know how do you get plantar warts.

Plantar warts occur when you are having a direct contact with HPV virus (Human Papilloma Virus). You might know this virus as the type of virus can cause cervical cancer. However, there are actually one hundred type of HPV viruses and the HPV virus that cause plantar warts aren't the one that can cause cancer.

Plantar warts usually appear when the virus are getting into your blood stream trough the breaking in your skin. Most of the time, this virus will be killed by your antibodies but as usual, some time our antibodies fail to kill the virus and that how the warts begin.

The virus can cause your skin cell to growth at more faster rate which create a thick growth of skin on your foot, this is how plantar warts appear. This process will take about one to 20 months to complete and that make it harder to guess when did it first start and where did you get the virus from.

Since HPV virus are known to be flourishing around warm and moisturize environment, there are a lot of places where you could be getting the virus from such as bathroom floor, pool and even locker room. After the warts had been developed, it can spread to other area of your foot simply by touch.

You can prevent plantar warts by knowing how do you get plantar warts at the first places. Despite the fact that it is hard to determine where did you get the virus from, you can still reduce your chances of having plantar warts by being caution when you're about to enter the environment where the HPV virus are known to be thrives.

Plantar wart duct tape treatment

wart duct tape treatment
Plantar wart duct tape treatment

In this article we will elaborate more about plantar wart duct tape treatment. Plantar wart are annoying, irritating and definitely not really attractive to look at. But when it come to finding a cure or treatment for it, of course we are more likely to try any alternative treatment or home remedies first before we decide whether we need to meet a doctor.

Beside being more less expensive solutions, home treatment can also help us to enchant our knowledge and understanding about our body and how can we take a good care of it. Other than that, home treatment are usually more simpler and can be done with the equipments or ingredients that already available in your home.

The idea for plantar wart duct tape treatment is to stop the wart by drying and separating it from moisturize environment. After about a week, the tape can be remove and the outer tissue of the wart can be remove from your feet. The methods however, will take a few week to completely remove the wart which is not really practical for someone in a hurry.

However, the among of time needed to remove the wart using this method is not really a big issue since many other plantar wart removal methods also take a lot of time to remove the wart completely. So it is safe to say that a lot of patient is require in most plantar wart removal methods.

Meeting a doctor will cost you some money and the doctor might even suggest some more expensive solutions such and freezing the wart or surgery. That is why a lot of people prefer to try some at-home-wart-removing methods first to see if the wart can be remove. And a lot of them had succeed. One of the most popular home treatment is plantar wart duct tape treatment.

How to get rid of plantar warts

Plantar warts is annoying and some time can be painful. If you're reading this, you or someone you know probably have plantar warts and now are seeking for ways to get rid of it. There are several options that you can try.

Here is how to get rid of plantar warts:

  1. Duct tape
    One of the methods used to remove plantar warts is by using a duct tape. By using this method, the first thing you wanted to do is to dry the area where the warts is. Then, put the duct tape on the warts and leave the tape for about a week. At the end of the one week period, remove the tape and pick the warts with something like pin. Repeat the process for several weeks.

  2. Salicylic acid
    You can also get rid of plantar warts by using Salicylic acid which is available at your nearest pharmacies in various form such as liquid, pad and even gel. To do this, simply wash the affected area first. Then dry the area before applying the salicylic acid.

  3. Banana Peel
    You can also use banana peel to remove the plantar wars. Put a piece of fresh banana peel on the warts (with the inner side of the banana peel facing the warts) and tape the banana skin so it will stay in place. Do this will a new fresh banana peel everyday until the warts gone.

Beside all the methods mentioned above, there are a lot of other treatment for plantar warts such as surgery and freezing. However, we will always try the alternative medicine first before we decide to meet our doctor for more serious treatment.

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