Monday, July 30, 2012

Using a callus scraper on plantar wart

Using callus scraper on plantar wart is pretty common among some of the plantar wart sufferer, even when it already mentioned not to be use on plantar wart. This behavior however, is understandable. Plantar wart not only cause pain but can also cause discomfort. You're using the scraper to scrape some of the infected skin off because it make you feel better.

However, if you're asking the same question as the title of this article, you probably curious about what will happen after you use the scraper. It already mentioned not to use the callus scraper on plantar wart, so you might think that if you're using it on plantar wart anyway, it might cause some sort of side effect, right?

Using the scrapper might help you feel a little better, but it actually lead to some bad consequent. Remember that plantar wart in contagious. By scrapping some of the infected skin you're helping it to spread. Some people even said that the virus can live on the scrapper. So it is better if you disinfect the scrapper if you're planning to use it again some other time.

Other than that, using callus scraper on plantar wart also believe to cause the wart to bleed, which is not a good thing at all. The best thing to do is to cover the wart so you or someone else will not accidentally touch the wart. Covering the wart can help you to prevent the wart from spreading.

Scraping the infected skin off using callus scraper might make you feel a little better but it is still a bad idea to do that. It can help the wart to spread and even cause the wart to bleed. A better approach to make yourself feel a lot better is to get the wart removed. There is a few over the counter product such as Compound W or Dr. Scholl's Plantar Wart Remover that you can try to get rid of the wart.

Further reading :
Will Compound W Wart Remover work on Plantar warts?
Will Compound W cause any problems to my healthy skin?
Should you limit your child activity because of plantar wart?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

What Salicylic acid do to plantar wart

If you have plantar wart and need to get rid of it, you might already read a few info about some of the wart remover that available in the market today. Salicylic acid is the most common over the counter wart remover that you can buy.

So, you know that this wart remover is going to remove the wart but you probably wonder what does this Salicylic acid do to plantar wart to remove it from your foot? And most importantly how long does it take to remove the wart completely?

The Salicylic acid work by dissolving the overgrown skin (the wart) on your foot. The acid however, didn't kill the virus that cause the wart to appear at the first place. So just like most plantar wart removal method, there is some possibility for the wart to reappear after you get it removed using Salicylic acid.

Despite being very helpful in getting rid of the wart, wart remover will not be able to remove plantar wart instantly. It is known to take weeks or even months for wart remover to remove the wart completely. (If you apply the wart remover daily)

Nevertheless, a lot of people manage to successfully get rid of plantar wart using wart remover. There is other treatment such as freezing and surgery that can get the wart removed quickly but these treatment is more for the kind of wart that didn't show any positive result after being treated with over the counter wart remover such as Salicylic acid.

Further reading :
Will Compound W Wart Remover work on Plantar warts?
Will Compound W cause any problems to my healthy skin?
Aren't plantar warts suppose to hurt?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Does it hurt to get plantar warts frozen off?

Plantar wart is always annoying and embarrassing. It's also interfere with you daily activities as you might feel a little uncomfortable when you're walking or running. That's why getting it removed as soon as possible is always preferable by those who have it.

One of the most common way to removed the wart is by getting it frozen off. As usual, when we talk about treatment, the first question that going to pop up in your mind is “will it hurt?”. You're not alone, it is understandable to feel concern about the pain when it come to meet a doctor and get the wart frozen off.

So, will it hurt?
Removing the wart by frozen it off is not that painful. It is however going to feel extremely cold – I mean really extremely cold. For some people it make them feel a little pain during the process but that is only for a few second which shouldn’t be a problem for anyone to handle. Other than that you might feel a little pain for a few days after the wart removed but as been said before, the pain is not unbearable.

The doctor usually clip the wart off your foot after frozen it. The whole process is not too painful and some people who get their plantar wart remove using this method describe the feeling as uncomfortable instead of painful.

The doctor know what they're doing. Most of the time they'll recommend the best suitable treatment for you depending on your condition and the seriousness of the wart you have. You might going to feel a little pain if you remove the wart by frozen it off but as many people said the pain is bearable and only last for a while.

Further reading :
Does it hurt to remove plantar wart through surgery?
Will Compound W Wart Remover work on Plantar warts?
Can nail polish get rid of plantar warts?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Should you limit your child activity because of plantar wart?

Plantar wart is cause by Human papillomavirus (HPV) which is known to thrive in wet and warm environment. If your children love to get involve in sports or martial art activities, they're exposed to the virus. Some kids do get infected and their parent started to get a little worried about letting their child doing these sports and martial art activities since plantar wart is kind of contagious and they don't want their kids to spread the virus.

If you child have plantar wart, you might want to know whether you should limit your child activities because of it to prevent your child from spreading the wart.

It is understandable that you're worried about other people get infected. But that doesn't necessarily mean that you should limit your child activities. Instead of preventing your children from doing healthy and beneficial things that they love to do, you can take some measure to avoid spreading the virus.

Preventive measure

There is a few things that your children can do to avoid spreading the virus. Wearing sock during their activities is one of them. Remember that people usually get infected by having direct contact with the wart, wearing sock can avoid direct contact which reduce the chances of the wart to spread. Wearing flip flop will definitely help too.

However, do keep in mind that using public/other people swimming pool/shower can make other peoples exposed to the virus. To prevent your child from spreading the wart, it is better to avoid swimming in public pool or using someone else shower room.

Plantar wart is contagious but that didn't mean you really have to limit your children activities all together to prevent your children from spreading it. However, there is several things that you child wont be able to do in order to avoid exposing the wart to other people. But your children shouldn't suffer from plantar wart for too long, bring them to the doctor to get the wart removed.

Further reading :
How long do plantar warts usually last?
How do you get plantar warts?
Will Compound W cause any problems to my healthy skin?

Monday, July 2, 2012

Aren't plantar warts suppose to hurt?

You have something on your foot that look like plantar wart but it didn't hurt even when you poke it real hard. Because you didn't feel any pain, you start to wonder if that thing on your foot is actually plantar wart.

So this make you wonder, aren't plantar wart suppose to hurt? And how can we recognize if it is plantar wart?

In many cases, plantar wart did hurt and can cause pain to people who suffer from it. The pain usually felt when you stand, walk or run. But there is also peoples who claim that they had plantar wart a couple of time but non of them seem to cause any pain. This show us that plantar wart usually hurt but not always necessarily.

Then how do you suppose to know if that thing on your foot is plantar wart?

One of the most easiest thing you can do is by seeing how it look like. Plantar wart is not that hard to recognize. You can tell if that thing on your foot is plantar wart by looking at it, plantar wart usually look kind of warty and usually have a black dot.

Plantar wart usually cause pain but not all the time. Some people with plantar wart claim their wart isn't causing any pain but most people said that it's hurt and can interrupt their daily routine. However, you can still look at it to tell whether what you have on your foot is plantar wart or something else.

Further reading :
Will plantar warts go away on their own Do you need some sort of treatment?
How long do plantar warts usually last?
Home remedies for plantar warts

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